An Author’s Day

I hope all of you are staying well and safe. I have been revising a short story that is coming out in an anthology next spring. It will be published by Philomel. The editing goes back and forth between the editor and the author. The story gets better and better with these revisions. I must say revisions are where a writer really gets to flush out what’s not needed and add what is. I am enjoying the process.

The other morning, I was drinking my coffee outside on my deck and noticed this silky spider’s web glistening in the sun. I took a picture of it. Reminded me of Charlotte’s Web. It was windy that day and by noon, the spider web was gone. But guess what? By the following morning, there it was again! The wind blew it away once more. But the stubborn little spider spun another web on the third day. I was amazed at the dedication and effort this tiny insect put into this delicate task. We should all be that dedicated in what we do, don’t you think?

Charlotte’s Web, maybe?