2015 SCBWI Conference

Just returned from the fabulous SCBWI-Los Angeles (Society of Children’s Book  Writers & Illustrators) conference held from July 31 to August 3, 2015 – inspired and ready to work! Met former friends and made new ones. Wonderful time! Here is the TEXAS “delegation.” Almost 1200 writers and illustrators attended the conference.

   TEXAS attendees

TEXAS attendees

The keynote speakers were awesome and the many workshops offered were really helpful. I bought quite a few books at the conference that I had to get them shipped because they didn’t fit in my suitcase. Now back to work on those manuscripts that need revising.

LA SignCrowd

If you’re interested in writers’ conferences or book festivals, you might want to link to Chris Barton’s blog, Bartography, for the comprehensive list.