Book signings

While meeting with my critique group today, I mentioned that I couldn’t help chuckling as I read a post on The Guardian blog on the subject of book signings. The article,“On the perks and pitfalls of signing books,” written by author Rick Gekoski, was hilarious but unfortunately true. Been there. Done that.
He took it all in good stride, like most of us do. I know many of us, at one time or another, have experienced what this author went through with book signings. I recently wrote a humorous similar article myself on this topic. It was accepted by SCBWI and will be published sometime soon in the national bulletin. I’d love to hear from other authors about their book-signing experiences.

 A writing group should share your goals – whether it’s getting published, getting critiqued, getting support, or getting out of the house. Avoid those that do nothing other than sit around and gripe.”– Writing tip from Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner