Just returned from the annual Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators conference in Los Angeles. This is my second time attending. It was even better than the last time. I am still on a high from great speeches and super writing workshops. I’m ready to dive into writing and revising the drafts I’ve been working on. I am so enthused I can hardly wait to unpack and start going over all the notes I took while there. The author I’m pictured with here is Ann Whitford Paul whose book, Writing Picture Books, I reviewed a few weeks ago. It was great meeting her at the conference.

Energy and excitement permeated the conference the entire time I was there. We heard inspiring speeches from such great writers as Sherman Alexie, Richard Peck, Ellen Hopkins, Betty Birney, and illustrators like David Wiesner, Kadir Nelson and Dan Yacccarino. The editors and agents who were in attendance were so accessible and supportive. The illustrator’s social where over a hundred portfolios were displayed was outstanding. I made new friends and reunited with former ones. One of my writer friends, Pam, who originally lived in Alaska was there. It was great seeing her after ten years.

Once I unravel my many notes and download all my pictures, I will start posting interesting writer’s tidbits that I picked up while there. There is so much, it will take several postings. Plus I need to read some of the books I bought and and had autographed. Don’t take my word for it. Attend one of these conferences and you will see for yourself how inspiring it can be. There’s nothing greater than being amongst other writers and illustrators who share the same passion about children’s writing as you. Go to the SCBWI blog to find out more.