Critique groups

I know I’ve mentioned critique groups before. I just had a critique session with my group yesterday and their comments were right on target. In certain areas of my manuscript where I had misgivings, the group readily picked up on it without me mentioning it beforehand. That was enough validation for me to revise those parts.
The Austin SCBWI has a brief description of what a critique group is. They mention the “sandwich” method, which I’m sure many of you have heard before. Critique etiquette and group parameters are also addressed. Join a writing group in your area and form a critique group. You’ll not only make lifelong friends, but you’ll get valuable feedback.  

A group of writers, including yours truly, recently participated in Educator Appreciation Day at a local Barnes & Noble. The teachers and librarians in the audience were treated to presentations by the authors. A booksigning followed. We had fun!
Educator Appreciation Day
“Nothing one ever experiences or feels is wasted.” — Lynne Reid Banks