Great stuff on SCBWI Winter Conference

The SCBWI winter conference in New York was over just a few days ago. If you were not in attendance, here’s your chance to take a look at their official blog on the happenings that went on at the conference. From fabulous pictures of editors, agents, conferees, panels, etc., to videos of conferees talking about their experiences there, to great articles about the keynote speakers’ addresses, you won’t want to miss reading this post. 

While scrolling down through the blog, I saw where Regina Brooks, founder and president of Serendipity Literary Agency, sponsors an annual writing contest. Here is your opportunity if you’ve been working or have finished a YA novel.

Sigh. Wish I had been there.

Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him. – Maya Angelou