Handling Rejection Letters

We all get them at one time or other. My writer friends and I call them “good rejection letters” when they offer some type of feedback or have some kind of comments on them rather than just a form letter. One friend rolls her eyes and says, “Forgive them Father for they know not …” Beginning in 2013, most of us will start anew sending out those queries in the hopes of getting published. And it will happen. Do not give up hope. But there might be some rejections mixed in there somewhere. What to do?
According to Chuck Sambuchino’s article, “Ten Hidden Gifts of Rejection Letters,” posted on the Guide to Literary AgentsWriter’s Digest blog, “Rejection letters strengthen you, build courage, determination and belief in your work.”  Huh? For real? 
Actually, his ten “hidden gifts” do make sense. He writes that “…the good ones (offering constructive criticism) help you develop as a writer.” 
Do not get discouraged. We’ve all been there. Read the article and see for yourself. Happy writing and success in 2013!!

“Rejections are business letters, not personal letters.” Jane Smiley