Keep Writing

A few blogs ago, I mentioned “rejections.” We all get them at one time or another and get over them eventually. But when we first see that rejection via email or snail mail, we wince, feel disappointed, rejected, hurt, and ready to give up. So when I read Ingrid’s Notes’ blog on Rejection Rocks, it made me feel a lot better knowing I am not alone. Famous writers have been rejected many times as well. I think you’ll enjoy reading about it in her blog, not being rejected, but persevering and forging ahead. 
One of those writers originally rejected many times (nine years of manuscript rejections) was Gail Carson Levine of Ella Enchanted (a 1998 Newbery Honor book) – her first, can you imagine? I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Levine at last summer’s SCBWI-LA conference. Not only was she an inspirational speaker, but she had her audience in stitches with her humorous anecdotes.
By the way, a non-fiction piece that I sent out to a magazine nine months ago was originally rejected. A few days ago, I received word that it has been accepted for publication. So there you go. Never give up! Keep writing!

“I don’t necessarily start with the beginning of the book. I just start with the part of the story that’s most vivid in my imagination and work forward and backward from there.” – Beverly Cleary