Libraries and Writing Exercises

There’s something about the smell of libraries that I like. I love libraries and I love their smell! I think for me it triggers a lot of good memories spent in school libraries when I was a kid. I thought I was the only one who ever talked about library smells. But here is a link to The Business Insider blog post, Why Books Have Such a Distinctive Smell: The Aroma of Books,”  that addresses this topic. Really! A comparison of smells is made between old and new books and the “chemical constituents … and processes and compounds that contribute to both.” Who knew?
If you’re having trouble getting started on your writing, here’s an article that lists twelve writing exercises to help you. “A 12-Day Plan of Simple Writing Exercises,” by Brian Klems, online editor on The Writer’s Digest blog, starts with Day 1: “Write 10 potential book titles of books you’d like to write and ends with Day 12: Gather everything you’ve written over the previous 11 days. Pick your favorite. Edit it, polish it and either try to get it published or post it on the Web to share with the world.” I think this list will motivate any writer. 

No matter what your writing life brings, believe in yourself and keep moving forward. Most writers cycle between periods of self-doubt and periods of confidence. – Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner