
It’s beginning to feel like winter here in Southwest Texas. The cold weather and drizzling rain outside makes it all the more cozy inside the house. As I sipped my morning coffee, I read some of the stories in the book, Christmas Through a Child’s Eyes. It is a collection of stories contributed by writers throughout the nation. Two of my writer friends’ stories are in the book, which makes it all the more special.
I remember one Christmas when we were stationed in Okinawa and wondered if we’d have a Christmas tree that year. You see, the ship that was bringing in trees from the states for the military stationed there was delayed for some reason. It was almost Christmas and no sign of Christmas trees. Then only a few days before the big day, much to our delight, the ship came in. Being on an island where the weather was anything but cold, having a real Christmas tree in the house was like having a bit of home away from home.

“Surprise is what keeps readers turning the pages and writers filling them up.” – James Howe