Query Letters

In my critique group, we not only critique each other’s manuscripts, but we also critique the query letters that we’re sending out with our manuscripts. Query letters are super important, I believe. Based on your query, an editor or agent might ask for more chapters of your story or for the entire manuscript. It gets you in – or not. How do you get everything you want to say about your story on just one page? I found a great link on query letters that I think will be helpful. If you’re wondering how to write one, visit YA writer Natalie Whipple’s blog, Between Fact and Fiction. Her article, “Don’t Knock the Query,” is an excellent one.
School Visit

“The nonfiction query letter serves two purposes: It should convince the editor that your idea is a good one for her readership, and it should sell you as the best writer to cover the topic.” — Writing Tip from Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner