Reading Rock Stars

I’m back from the Reading Rock Stars school visits in the Rio Grande Valley. It was a great experience sponsored by the Texas Book Festival, Region One, and the University of Texas Pan Am (UTPA). The children enjoyed the story about The Woodcutter’s Gift and asked really good questions at the end. They always want to know where a writer gets the idea for the book, how the process works, how long does it take for a book to be published, etc.

I tell my audience that a writer is a storyteller. Everyone has a story. A writer just writes it down so that others may enjoy it. During my Power Point presentation, I showed them where I got the idea for the book, the writing process from idea to final product (publication), and what I used to do before I became a writer. Events such as these rejuvenate my spirit and make me glad I am a writer. I not only enjoyed the children and the school visits, but I met other writers as well. One came from as far away as Puerto Rico.