Rejection Letters

We all get them at one time or another – rejection letters. Like most writers, I’m sorely disappointed when I get one. After calling my writer friends and basking in a couple days’ sympathy, I put aside my disappointment, reread the manuscript, make changes if I feel it is needed, and resubmit elsewhere. We need to remember to not take it personally. Maybe the editor already had a similar story. Or maybe it wasn’t what they were looking for. Unless you keep getting rejection after rejection on the same manuscript – then you need to take a good look and find out what the problem is.

“Was it a good rejection?” one might ask. By which I mean, were there constructive comments in the letter. Many times, some editors will take the time to jot down significant feedback, which is always appreciated. My advice is to keep submitting, hang in there, and it will happen. Your story will find the right publisher.
Here’s Bethany Roberts’ neat blog, which addresses how to deal with rejection letters and other writing tips.

 “The biggest mistake a writer can make is not taking the time to fully understand the publications, publishing houses, or literary agents she queries.” — Writing tip from Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner