Remember typewriters?

How many of you remember those Selectric typewriters of yesteryear? No cut and paste back then. Here’s a nostalgic piece about the Selectrics. Visit the blog posted by Nicholas Jackson, associate editor at The Atlantic. His article, “IBM Reinvented the Typewriter With the Selectric 50 Years Ago,” is filled with historical details about how this typewriter came to be. I guess they’re part of history now.   
Miniature toy model (not a Selectric) 
Here’s another interesting post, “First Page Tips from the Pros,” by Becca Puglisi posted on The Bookshelf Muse blog. She offers writing tips on this topic, which she picked up at the Florida SCBWI summer conference. Essential reading for any writer.

“Seasonal queries to a magazine should be submitted at least six months ahead of schedule to allow for editorial lead time.” – Writing tip from Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner