
Roadblocks. We all have them. Whether it’s an illness, family trips, friends that need us, etc., life happens. And so there goes our well-planned schedule for writing. I had to be away from my writing for several days because of a trip. A necessary one. So there went the momentum that I had at the time. It’s really hard to get that back when you return. But because life happens, we have to learn to live with it and make the necessary adjustments. Best advice I have: just stick with it and don’t give up. Follow through. Persistence will pay off. You’ll get that momentum back … until next time.

In the meantime, here’s an interesting post,7 Things I’veLearned So Far,” by author Amanda Flower, posted on Chuck Sambuchino’s Guide to Literary Agents’ Blog.

When submitting a query or manuscript, skip the fancy fonts, graphics, and colored paper. No need to send gifts or pictures either. A clean, clear, typewritten manuscript speaks for itself.” — Writer’s Writing Tip from Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner