Story Structure

When you think of story structure, you automatically think of a story having a beginning, a middle, and an end, right? Well, here’s an interesting blog that adds a bit more to story structure. Brian A. Klems’, “The 5 Essential Story Ingredients,” posted on the Writer’s Digest blog lists the following five and elaborates on each: (1) Orientation (2) Crises (3) Escalation (4) Discovery and (5) Change. He points out what makes a story a story and not a report. Very interesting stuff. See for yourself.
 And I won’t bog you down with blogging about entering writing contests … except … one last time. Here’s another great blog that addresses this topic. It’s a guest column by author Janice Hamrick posted on Chuck Sambuchino’s Guide to Literary Agents Editor’s blog. The title: “Contests: The Writer’s Fairy Godmother.”
School Visit

“Local clubs and organizations often use volunteers to create newsletters and publicity pieces. This is an excellent way to bolster your confidence and give you published work for your portfolio.” — Writing Tip from Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner