That time of year

It’s getting to be that time again – taxes! There’s some helpful advice on a blog in Writer’s Digest: Tax Tips for Writers by Chuck Sambuchino.
I keep careful records during the year of writer expenses and honorariums. I start a new spreadsheet at the beginning of the year, keeping tabs on a month-by-month basis of all the information I will need at tax time. Makes it a lot easier when that time of the year rolls around. I also keep receipts in a special folder for that year. Being organized is one of the ways to avoid last-minute anxiety when you’re doing your taxes. Keep everything in one place. Just keep adding to that folder during the year and you’ll have no problem at tax time. Know what is tax deductible and what is not. Don’t forget those conferences and workshops that you attended and paid for. Set up your own type of record-keeping system. What works for one writer might not work for another. Good luck.

“A relaxed mind is an open mind, and an open mind is prepared to accept new and creative ideas. Remind yourself to enjoy the craft.” — Writing tip from Writer’s Digest Weekly Planner