Writer’s resolutions

Just got back from visiting family in New Mexico. Took lots of pictures. It snowed while I was there so I did get to see snow after all. Now it’s time to get back to work on my writing, which is very difficult if you’ve been gone for several days.
A writer friend just emailed me that one of her New Year’s resolutions is to not get on the Internet or check emails until late in the afternoon. She’s reserving the morning for writing only. That is discipline. And a very good idea. Carve out time for writing and stick to it. I read somewhere that if a writer writes one page per day, she/he will have written a novel by the end of the year. Some of us don’t have the time with our busy lives, but we can still devote at least 15-30 minutes a day to writing. A very good habit to form is to set up a schedule for the week and abide by it.
Did finish reading The Writer’s Book of Hope by Ralph Keyes between airport stops. I had highlighted some phrases the first time I read it. One excerpt: “ … some aspiring writers are looking for a key or some wisdom known only to insiders on how to write and get published. There is none. The only key is persistence and knowing what you’re about.”
I shall be persistent in my writing and never give up hope. That is one of my New Year’s resolutions.
“I am still encouraged to go on. I wouldn’t know where else to go.” – E.B. White