Writing Workshop

Writing workshop for students – Last week, I had a really fun time in Brownsville, Texas, doing school visits celebrating Día de los Niños/Libros. I saw some simply awesome skits and performances related to books and literacy in the Brownsville school district. The librarians worked really hard with the students to put these events together.  I enjoyed doing writing workshops for the students who showed great enthusiasm in creating their own stories. They were especially thrilled that we had a writing contest.

 Dia de Los Ninos/Libros

Dia de Los Ninos/Libros

Speaking of contests, the Institute of Children’s Literature (ICL), blog is open to submissions for a Katie Davis novel contest. There is an entry fee but also cash prizes for the winners.

Chicken Soup for the Soul is also accepting submissions. They have many topics to choose from. Visit their website for more details.

Describe the most memorable first day of school. — The Writer’s Daily Companion