Acts One, Two, and Three of a Story

Here’s a really neat post on Ingrid’s Notes titled, “Classical Design: Breaking it Down with

Toy Story.” She breaks down the major beats of this design into Acts One, Two, and Three using the film Toy Story as an example.

Using visuals and narrative, she addresses story hook, emotional core, catalyst, crossing the first threshold that propels the story into Act Two, obstacles, the point of no return, climax, and so on. This is a great article that will help you as a writer. 
I’m always curious to see the studios where writers and illustrators work. On the Publishers Weekly BookShelf post, there’s an article by Elizabeth Bluemle titled, “Illustrators Give the Best Studio Tours.” I think writers and illustrators will enjoy this post.

 “Writing is a pleasure, and I feel that if I did not enjoy writing, no one would enjoy reading my books.” – Beverly Cleary