Writing routines

Do you have some sort of routine that you follow when your write? Many writers do and I really admire that. On Chuck Sambuchino’s Guide to Literary Agents blog, “Writing routines that work,” Sambuchino lists and encourages us to try some “time-tested writing routines and discover your most productive self.”
“Reading for inspiration, keeping a notebook at hand, and writing when you’re hot,” are just a few of

the steps he listed. These are all common sense routines, but how many of us adhere to them? I must confess I only have followed about three on the list. I shall try to do better. It can only improve my productivity. How about you? What is your routine?

And here’s something neat to read. An interview on the Flavorwire blog titled, “13 Things We Learned From Judy Blume’s AMA.” By the way, AMA stands for Ask Me Anything. 

“Carve out a space in your day for quiet, uninterrupted thinking. Exercise and feed your creative self.” – Penny Raife Durant