Book beginnings

Book beginnings. Here’s a great post on the Mentorless blog titled, “Michael Arndt About The 5 Steps He Learned at Pixar to Write a Good Beginning.”

I’ve been busy doing research for a picture book about a circus and was delighted that a real one was in town. What luck!  I enjoyed watching the jugglers, clowns, trapeze artists, singers, and all the trappings that come with a circus. It had been years since I had attended one. Super exciting.



I also attended the Texas Library Association assembly meeting in Austin on July 9, 2016. See picture. Got to see fellow writers and illustrators. Always a fun time.



I will be doing a young writers’ workshop in August. It will be at the historic San Juan Capistrano, one of the five Spanish missions in San Antonio. I’ve visited all five over the years and am always intrigued by the history behind these fabulous, historic missions.

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou