Agent Search

Agent Search.  If you are looking for an agent, which I am, here’s Sarah Laurence’s blog post, “Introducing My New Agent, Sara Crowe, and How to Find a Literary Agent.” In her post, she offers great advice on how to go about it. She notes: “If you’re looking for a literary agent, take heart from my story. Miracles can happen in the slush pile. This is such a subjective business. Finding an agent takes persistence as much as talent.”

As I write this, I have already sent out submissions to some agents. I am pitching a historical fiction YA with a Latina protagonist. Hopefully, I will get some responses soon although these things take time – quite a bit of time. Patience…patience…patience.



A nonfiction story that was rejected years ago by a national magazine is being published this fall. I was genuinely surprised when I received an email from the same magazine that they wished to publish my article in their upcoming Fall issue. I had to dig through my files to find it again. Yes, it had been that long. Word of advice: do not ever throw any of your stories away. Even if rejected, they might just be rediscovered and published.

The most difficult task facing a writer is to find a voice in which to tell the story. -–John Grisham